Friday, July 7, 2006

Good week.

It's been a good week.


I was able to use my spike strips for the first time. Our Lt. got into a pursuit with a kid who was just to dumb to stop and take his speeding ticket. I was able to get in front of the pursuit and lay out the spike strips. They worked very well. I deflated 3 of the four tires. He stopped only about 1/2 a mile further down the road, and was taken into custody without too much of a fight. There were other reason's why he ran that I should probably not go into at this time.

The next interesting thing i did this week was assist with a search warrent on a house. We found over 50 marijuana plants growing on the property. It was quite a site to see. That is the biggest grow I have personally seen.

I'm a bit short on words today. Don't really feel like elaborating on the stories but suffice it to say it was pretty awsome to finally get to spike someone, and it was equally awsome to see how well the spikes actually work in a real world situation.