Wednesday, August 31, 2005

skipped a few weeks

     Sorry all, i have missed a week on this. It's been a little crazy around here. We are trying to sell our house,and buy a new one. That has proven to be more stressfull than I thought. If anyone wants to see the house i'm selling just go here 


As for work. Well :) work has been interesting. It has actually been kinda busy. I have spent the last few days playing parent. I hate it when i have to scold other peoples kids. This week has been full of scolding others kids. I think some of these kids are great kids, and if someone just sat down and talked to them like I do a little more often they might actually start getting it. Unfortunatley i'm afraid that i will talk to them, they will striaten up for a week or so, and then the parents will either think well lets let the cops deal with them again, or they will think those damn cops they aren't helping at all. either way i'm getting the short end of the stick. Oh well I just figure it's Job Security.


I'm going to go work security at the State Fair this week, so i won't be back for another week or so.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Videos I have made

Ok this week i have been working on getting some of the videos i have made on the internet. I wanted to make it so you guys could get a look at them. They are fairly large, I hope that's not a problem. These are some of our family videos, such as our trip to Disney. Some of the others are videos i have made of some video games and things like that. Oh and a scout video too.


Here is the link.




Sunday, August 7, 2005

Family Domestics

What a week, I think this has been the week for Domestics. I don't' know why, but it seems people are fed up with each other, and they are ready to fight. In fact yesterday alone i went to five different domestics. That makes for a long night let me tell you. Not only does it take time to deal with the domestic itself, but you also have a ton of paperwork to do for each one.

     For those of you who don't know what a domestic is, it's a fight, between family members. Usually Husband and Wife. The first one we went to we arrested both the husband and the wife. The second we arrested the husband, and the others we did not make arrests. Many times a someone will call us to help stop the domestic from becoming physical. So many times we go to the house, and we don't make an arrest but we do what we can to get the two to separate for the night.

     Anyway, after last night, I have reconfirmed my previous thought. Stupid people should not be allowed to breed.