Friday, December 21, 2007

Michael Nef


I know it seems like all my posts are coming from the news media lately, but it seems like there has been a lot going on, that the news has been covering. This case was unfortunate, and i feel terrible for the victims. Why the judge gave Nef a 6 month sentence is beyond me, and I do hope he gets a harsher punishment when his 6 months is over.

A local man is putting pressure on
the state legislature to change sentencing requirements for sex
offenders. David Bigelow hopes to help legislators create a law that
would enforce mandatory minimum sentences for certain sex crimes.

comes after he says his neighbor, Michael Nef, was sentenced too
leniently for one of the most atrocious sex abuse cases Jefferson
County prosecutors have ever seen.

Currently there are no
mandatory minimum sentences for first time sex offenders like Nef in
Idaho.  There are only mandatory minimums for repeat offenders.

fall, Nef pleaded guilty to abusing two relatives for a period of 20
years.  He admits to  genital to genital contact with a three year old,
he also admits to videotaped sex with a 13 year old and perhaps the
most disturbing admission, he forced his relative into sex with the
family dog.

Bigelow says, "This is an outrage, I think if people come to understand this, they too will be outraged."

November, Judge Brent Moss sentenced Nef to a retained jurisdication,
meaning Nef will spend six months in prison and then Judge Moss will
decide whether or not to place him on parole or in prison for the
remaining life sentence.

Bigelow says it's ridiculous to give
an offender like this the possibility to get out after six months. He
says, "Every other sexual pervert in the hidden closet will see this
and say, 'it doesnt matter, ill be evaluated and released.' Every
little girl who's been abused will say, 'why should I come forward,
what justice will be done?"

At sentencing, Judge Moss said he
decided on the retained jurisdiction because he didn't feel like he had
enough information about Nef.  Judge Moss hopes the six months of
evaluation will provide the information he needs for a more complete

Since Nef's sentencing, bigelow has accumulated
newspaper clippings of other notable sentences, "A federal judge
sentenced Michael Vick to 23 months in prison in dog fighting case,
that doesn't sound like common sense.  It just doesn't make sense, a
man who fights dogs vs. a man who abused kids."

Bigelow has
printed out 500 petitions, hoping that thousands of local people will
sign them and send a message to legislators that a retained
jurisdiction isn't the right sentence for people like Michael Nef. " I
want to send a message that we will not tolerate in this society,
judges slapping hands of sex offenders."

Representative Dean
Mortimer told Local News 8 on Thurday, "If theres an issue we need to
work on, I want to help. I plan to get more information."

right now Utah is seriously looking at implementing Jessica's law which
would require anyone convicted of raping a child to 25 years in prison.

Nef's retained jurisdiction is up on May 19th, 2008, after
that he will serve the rest of his life sentence on probation or in

For more information on Bigelow's petition, you can email David at

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Jefferson County Shooting, Officers cleared

News 6 Video Click Here

The investigation related to the October 25th shooting in Jefferson County that claimed the life of Don Hayes is complete.

County Prosecutor Robin Dunn says after reviewing the Tri-County
investigation, the shooting, while tragic, was justified.

along with Sheriff Blair Olsen and Tri-County Investigator Mike Marvin,
gave more details this Tuesday afternoon as to what happened that
October night.

For the first time, the names of the deputies
involved were released. Both Sergeant Steven Anderson and Corporal
Aaron Williams fired their weapons. Sergeant Lynn Parker also responded
to the call but did not shoot at Hayes. All three deputies were placed
on administrative leave following the shooting.

Marvin says the shooting was all caught on DashCam and it was that
piece of evidence that clearly showed the deputies were justified in
their actions.

Dunn said Hayes fired seven shots while the two deputies fire a total of 19 shots between them.

The gun fire broke out almost simultaneously and lasted only 10 seconds.

Sheriff Olsen says the 19 rounds was not excessive because the deputies stopped shooting when the threat was gone.

Olsen also said the internal investigation also shows that the deputies
followed policy and procedures, stating the deputies tried to resolve
the issue without opening fire.

Sheriff Blair Olsen,
Jefferson County: "There are situations, including this one that even
though those attempts are made and the subject was warned number of
times, ordered to put the weapons down and they don't respond. And it
comes to a point when you have to react."

The deputies involved have been back on duty since the 9th of November after being cleared by a counselor.