Sunday, January 29, 2006

Funeral and a new video

The funeral services were very good, and I learned a few things about my grandparents that I had never known. I see a lot of dead bodies in my line of work, but for some reason I did not want to see my grandfather that way. I think it has a lot to do with I would prefer to remember him the way he was. I did go and look, and he just didn't look the same. Of course the fact that he wasn't wearing his glasses probably had a lot to do with it. The amount of family that came to the funeral was amazing. I don't know how many people were there but I would guess there were over 300 people at the service. I learned that my grandparents have 50 some grandchildren 90 some great grandchildren and about 13 great great grandchildren. That is a lot of people. It's amazing when you get together with that many relatives. It really makes you realized how important families can be.




So on a happier note. I placed a new video on here; this is a video of a scout project that we worked on with our scout group. My wife was the scout leader and we were trying to teach the scouts the importance of taking care of our communities and our earth. As you can see from the video we went to our local park and did some cleanup as well as pulled some weeds from the tennis courts. The kids all thought the video was great, I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Grandfather Died :(

     Yesterday I was having lunch with my wife and my son. We were talking about Grandparents. Kenneth has a lot of grandparents. Anyway I mentioned that I feel bad that my son hasn't really had time to spend with my grandpa. My grandpa has Alzheimer's..(don't know how to spell that). He doesn't remember who his own kids are most of the time, so he definitely doesn't remember me, or my son. I grew up around him though, and he is a very great man. He has 13 kids, my dad being one of them.

     Well my mother calls me early this morning and says that my grandfather passed sometime during the night. I was shocked. I feel bad, I wish I had a chance to see him one more time. He only lives about 3 hours away, and we hardly ever visited him. I feel guilty about that. As far as grief that he has passed. I'm trying to find my feelings for that. I know that he has gone to a better place, where he will have his memory and his health. I know that he will have a place in Heaven. I am happy for him, and saddened for my grandmother. My own feelings are somewhat distant, because i loved my grandfather, however in the last years I wasn't really that close to him. I was much closer to him in my years growing up. 


My prayers go out to my Grandfather and all of his family, especially my grandmother.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

No man is above the law.

Ok today I was in our office, and I noticed a new picture frame on the wall. It has a quote in it from Theadore Roosevelt. I was very impressed with the quote, and decided to share it with you.



"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."


Theodore Roosevelt

December 7th 1903

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

End of the Glory

    Well I think the Best of MSN experience is just about over. I rather enjoyed the fact that they featured cops. I think this is one of the most misunderstood, and yet most scrutinized jobs around.


On to my blog rantings. Tonight I'm working night shift which is 6pm to 6am. We had someone hit a power pole tonight. They knocked it clean out. The power was arcing and started two fires. Luckily it has just snowed here and there really wasn't much of a danger of the fires spreading. The thing that gets me is this person puts it in 4 wheel drives and gets the hell out of there, before anyone arrives. So now I have pieces of his car, and I have to try to figure out who did it. The only reasons for leaving like that are 1. He’s probably drunk, and 2. He probably doesn't have insurance. Really pisses me off when people do that and it's surprising how many people do.

     Earlier tonight I got a call from a passerby saying there is a car in the ditch. I go out there and sure enough this guy was test driving a minivan, and slid through a stop sign and into a ditch. He had already called a tow truck in hopes that the cops wouldn't find out about it.   I'm not sure what the laws are in the rest of the world, but in my area it is against the law to leave the scene of an accident which causes over $750 dollars in damage. The way cars are made today, if you spit on them they cost more than $750 to repair.


IT IS NOT OK TO LEAVE THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT. Ok done yelling lol. I didn't site the guy, I figure he didn't damage anything that he wasn't going to have to already pay for anyway, and the roads were extremely slick. I did give him the what for about not calling us. I told him that I should probably site him just for that. Oh well most of the time we have a slid off I don’t' site the driver. It's only if they cause a lot of damage to another vehicle or if someone gets hurt that I do that. Now that's just me, some officers will cite the drivers every time, and I have no problem with that. Most of the time if you drive out of control you should get a ticket.


How to put your own vids on your website

I have been asked many times now, how to put the windows media player on my MSN Space. Here are the instructions and if you want to learn more visit this website. There are a lot of things you can do it just takes some learning.



PowerToys are here!!!

Windows Media Player PowerToy:

The Media Player Power Toy is designed to allow you to play audio and video files within your Space. While editing your Space specify the URL of a Media file located on the web in the Media Power Toy and hit Save. This will allow the people viewing your Space to watch or listen to the media file you have linked. You can customize the experience even more by altering the player settings (like auto start, times to play, and player mode) while editing your Space.


Please note that this PowerToy, like the others, is available in English ONLY for now and is UNSUPPORTED.  


This feature is to be used for authorized content only. Please respect the creative efforts and intellectual property of others, and do not link to unauthorized materials.  Linking to unauthorized material is a violation of the Spaces Code of Conduct and Terms of Use.


Follow these steps to add this Power Toy to your Space:

  1. Log into Passport and Edit your Space.
  2. In the Address bar of your web browser add the text “&powertoy=musicvideo” to the end of the displayed URL.
  3. Click the Go button next to your web browser address bar.
  4. Once the page has finished reloading, click on the Customize tab in your Space.
  5. In the Modules drop down menu in the Customize tab there should be a listing for PowerToy: Windows Media Player. Click the word Add next to it and then click the Save button.


PS: oh one more thing, you will need to have your videos or music hosted somewhere on the net. I have been using, seems to be a decent one, and it's free.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

"Pet" Peeves.

     OK this week was fairly slow at work. I was on day shifts so I got all the lame calls. You know the calls like my neighbors dog peed on my lawn. I think one of my biggest pet peeves is the way people deal with each other, and how they use the police as a tool for them to annoy there neighbors.

     Let me explain what I mean. There is a man in the county that really despises his neighbor. I don't really know why. The neighbor thinks that it's because she told him no when he tried to come on to her. Well anyway this man calls me the other day. He says I am sick and tired of my neighbors dog coming onto my lawn. I ask him is the dog mean or dangerous. He says no, I don't think the dog has a mean bone in his body. OK I say is the dog crapping on your lawn or causing damage to your property. No he says. I just don't want it over here. I explain to him that there is no leash law in our County. I tell him that i can however go and talk to the owner and tell them to keep there dog to themselves. Then he goes into a tirade about his neighbor. He tells me that his wife goes over there all the time and he is sick of her. He says that he wants me to really yell at her and tell her that if her dog comes back over he is going to shoot it.

     OK so the guy is mad at his neighbor. Not sure why, not sure what his wife going over there has to do with it but now at this point I just don't care. I can see that he is simply using me as something to annoy or cause more problems with this neighbor. I go to the neighbor and speak to her. I tell her she should probably keep a better eye on her dog. She goes nuts, yelling and ranting about the man. Then she says she will keep her dog in.

    After going over there several times i realize that this will never end unless I do something. I tell this man that he needs to calm down. I try to explain to him that if he doesnt like his neighbor he can move to BFE. (means out in the middle of no where in not so nice terms). Now by this time however the neighbor has decided to do the same thing, and she has started calling the cops on him for everything she can think of. So I go and tell her basically the same thing. I tell her to keep her dog at home and to stop using the police as way to piss off your neighbor.


I'm not the best story teller, but I think my point comes across. We live next to people because we choose to. Let try to get along. It takes two people to keep an argument going and if you can't get along don't call me for your piddly stupid little stuff. Unfortunately people let this piddle little stuff grow to big stuff, and then I get involved and usually someone goes to jail.



Thursday, January 12, 2006

Best of MSN?

Whoah, I guess this is an honor, I was playing around on the site, and someone left a comment saying congrats on getting the best of MSN. So me being confused decided to check it out. It seems The Best of MSN is doing a little honor to some police sites. One of my favorite sites was featured which is MsPig2U's site. I have it linked on the side here, check it out. Anyway my site was set just to the right of her. Very nice.


Must say that being in Law Enforcement is a very thankless job, so it's kinda neat to see this. Well I am going to bed so that i can get back up at 6am to get back to work.

Monday, January 9, 2006

Another Day Another Dollar

I'm back to work today. It's 6:30 in the morning. Luckily it's usually pretty quiet at this time of day. I checked on for work at 6am, and have just got through reading all the incidents for last night. Doesn't look like much of anything has happened. a few animal complaints and one fraud that i get to deal with today. I should get my car back tomorrow the damage was about 1,600 dollars.

I just hope this week isn't like last. we had a lot of Traffic Accidents last week. We have quite a bit of snow on the ground still, but most of the roadyways are fairly clear. I understand it's supposed to snow again this evening so the accidents will likely get bad again. I love the snow, but it sure does create a lot of work for me.

Well I hope you all enjoy the video, I will be changing it soon. If you want to see another video that i made, check out my brother Danny's website. He is hosting a long one that i created a long time ago.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

ATV Video

Hope you all like the video above. Kenneth is my son, and he has his own ATV. this was the first time that he really got into it. He was alway too timid before. The other guys in the video are me, my two brothers, and two of our friends. It was a fun day, just goofing around at the St. Anthony Sand dunes.

Monday, January 2, 2006

Side note to my Patrol car getting hit

So i come into work today, and start reading the accident report on my Patrol car. Come to find out she didn't have insurance. In fact she went and got insurance the next day, and tried to pass it off as if she had it the whole time. So she got a citation for 2nd offense insurance. Now i just hope my car gets fixed without too much hassle. I'm sure the Sheriff is going to be really happy when he finds this out too.