Tuesday, January 3, 2006

ATV Video

Hope you all like the video above. Kenneth is my son, and he has his own ATV. this was the first time that he really got into it. He was alway too timid before. The other guys in the video are me, my two brothers, and two of our friends. It was a fun day, just goofing around at the St. Anthony Sand dunes.


  1. Kewl beans, man!! Luv your video and music. Looks like you had a fun day on the sand catching some air time. Being in L.E. I\'m sure you\'ve been called worse things than a Redneck. lol Get the cruiser fixed yet? Ours have scratches and dings but we haven\'t had one wrecked in about 8-10 years now. Two of our part timers were taking a prisoner to jail when a drunk made a left turn in front of them totalling out a brand new cruiser. That wasn\'t a good night for me dispatching that night cause I didn\'t know for quite a while if my guys were all right or not. The driver had his seatbelt on and just had scuffs from the airbag. The prisoner had minor injuries but my other ofc. hadn\'t secured his seatbelt yet and had some major injury to his face and one ankle was broken. The drunk was one of our local dirtbags with no insurance either of course. Later, Redneck Mama

  2. Hear about your car geting hit from "Ms Pig\'s" site and came over to see how you were doing with that. Sounds like one big hassle, but at least you weren\'t IN the car when it got hit.Love the video.Barb

  3. hogy tudtad a video lejátszót feltenni a profilodba

  4. please,could u show me how to add a video to my space,thanks
