Saturday, April 29, 2006

Ruth Halterman

Another sad event has happened. My wife's Grandmother passed away. The funeral was held on Thursday. My wife was very close to her grandmother. I think what made this easier for everyone is the fact that Ruth's quality of life over the last few months was very poor. It was in many ways a relief that she passed, an end to the pain. I know she's in a better place now and i really hope that all the family can overcome her passing. I will miss her, she was a great lady.


  1. I\'m so sorry for your loss.

  2. My thoughts are with your and your wife....I am sorry for your loss.

  3. That is a beautiful tribute film.  Im truly sorry for you loss.

  4. This is truly wonderful and touchnig.  I have recently lost my mother.  I hope your entire family is coping.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. I am sorry for your loss , but know there is comfort in her peaceful sleep, I  see the resemblance to M in many pictures..
