Friday, December 30, 2005

Someone Hit my Patrol Car!

Well today I decided to park my Patrol Car on the street because we have a stop sign in my front yard that no one stops for. I figured that people would probably be much more inclined to stop at the stop sign, if they had a little friendly reminder.


Well i was downstairs playing a game with my son, when my wife yells down to me. So I go running up stairs and she tells me that she thinks someone may have just hit my car, because she heard a loud bang, and now there is a pickup out front of our house. I go running out there, and this girl says, I don't think i hurt it i just barley bumped it. .. I'm thinking your driving a large Dodge pickup and you don't think you hurt it. I go take a look and sure enough she smacked the back drivers side door. Caved it in.


So at this point I'm pretty mad. I try not to say anything, because the roads are slick, and there is a lot of snow that has just fallen. Anyway, she says I was going really slow, and it just slid into it. Well this requires me to respond and I was pretty rude. I didn't yell or anything i just said well you should have been going slower then. I realize i was pretty rude so after a minute I try to apologize, (not really sure why, just my nature) anyway i apologize, and she is now all offended.


I live in the City, and I'm a County officer so I ask my wife to contact the Police department. An Officer that I know well comes out to the scene. He handles the accident, there really is not a problem with the accident, she knew she was at fault. Anyway, because it's a police car there are a lot of cops showing up and I think that also made this girl feel pretty overwhelmed. So she complains to the City officer about how rude i was and tells him i was yelling at her.


After she leaves this officer tells me that she might complain about me yelling at her. I told him that i really didn't yell, but so what. She is driving too fast and she runs into a Police car of all things. She should expect to get yelled at. She should expect to get a ticket, which she didn't. Anyway just typing this up is making me mad about it all over again. I have to talk to the Sheriff about it and now I'm going to be driving a Police car with a big damn dent in it. OK it's not that big of a dent but still.


LOL.. well i guess this just goes to show you how a car accident can work you up. Oh well. I will get a picture of it on here in a while.





Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

     Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope that this Christmas has found you better than the last. We had a very nice Christmas, we spent Christmas eve with my family, it was very crowded but it was fun. We spent Christmas morning with just me my wife, and my son. Kenneth had a very fun Christmas and I think he was very happy, and spoiled. We went to church wich lasted a bit long, but then it's still a great reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. We then spend Christmas evening with my wife's family and we had a good time there as well. All in all it's hard to ask for a better Christmas, spending time with the ones you love, and remembering the real spirit of the season.


I guess on a sour note though is that Mindy got extremely sick Christmas evening after we got home. I hope she will get better soon.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Trying things out.

Ok I'm just learning a little more and more about this page, so i'm trying out a few things, I'm sure you notice the media player, and the image on the top of this.

and of course i hope you can see this picture.


well i guess not..  


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Hello all

Wow, I guess I'm not so good at keeping this up to date. Things are pretty good here, I have been working hard, and doing my best to have a good time while doing it.


Work has been pretty slow actually. I think the cold weather has deterred a few of our familiar criminals. This time of year however inevitably brings us into the child custody problems. I have already been to a lot of domestics, and they have mostly been about the children in common. People really need to get a clue, one of the things that really pisses me off is when parents slug it out in front of there children. Really teaches good values don't you think.


Family life is good, we are settling into our new home, and really enjoying it. Thanks for those of you who keep checking the site, i really appreciate it, please leave a comment for me if you visit, or if you have any thoughts about what i have written.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hectic Life

     Life has been a little hectic in my little corner of the world. We have gotten moved, and we love our new house. Much larger than the one before. Our new house has an unfinished basement, and no yard to speak of, so I know what I will be doing for some time. I don't want to get into all the details, suffice it to say that I haven't really been finding the time to keep up on this blog. I'm actually at work right now. Work seems to have been consuming me a lot latley. I have done a lot of extra work, to help pay for all my expenses. Fixing up the old Truck, and working on this darn computer has cost a bit of money.


Today i have an unexpected visitor. I came home for lunch tonight, (it's 1:30 in the morning right now) and i found a gray and white cat in my garage. It's got a red collar on it, so i know it's someones cat. Anyway, he wanted to come inside. So right now he's inspecting my home. It's kinda funny he seems to be interested in every little nook and cranny. I think he has checked out every box in this basement.



Oh well anyway just thought i would sign in and let ya know I was still alive. I will be posting more often as time permits, I would really like to get back into posting my work weeks again.



MadDog -

Monday, September 26, 2005

Sorry it's been so long

     This last few weeks have been very hectic. Let me see if i can help catch you all up to speed.

I worked our state fair that was a mixture of fun, and pain. Got to go to a Terri Clark, Dirks Bentley Concert. I arrested a lot of people and worked my butt off.

     What is weighing on my mind the most right now is that we are moving tomorrow. Well we are moving most of our things tomorrow. We don't actually close on the house for about a week. We have almost everything packed and some of my family and friends are going to help me move it all tomorrow. I'm a little stressed about the whole thing. It's not everyday you buy a new house and spend that much money. I know when it's all over i will be happy, but it's sure is a stress getting it all done. Oh well I'm ready to move and I just want to get it over with now.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

skipped a few weeks

     Sorry all, i have missed a week on this. It's been a little crazy around here. We are trying to sell our house,and buy a new one. That has proven to be more stressfull than I thought. If anyone wants to see the house i'm selling just go here 


As for work. Well :) work has been interesting. It has actually been kinda busy. I have spent the last few days playing parent. I hate it when i have to scold other peoples kids. This week has been full of scolding others kids. I think some of these kids are great kids, and if someone just sat down and talked to them like I do a little more often they might actually start getting it. Unfortunatley i'm afraid that i will talk to them, they will striaten up for a week or so, and then the parents will either think well lets let the cops deal with them again, or they will think those damn cops they aren't helping at all. either way i'm getting the short end of the stick. Oh well I just figure it's Job Security.


I'm going to go work security at the State Fair this week, so i won't be back for another week or so.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Videos I have made

Ok this week i have been working on getting some of the videos i have made on the internet. I wanted to make it so you guys could get a look at them. They are fairly large, I hope that's not a problem. These are some of our family videos, such as our trip to Disney. Some of the others are videos i have made of some video games and things like that. Oh and a scout video too.


Here is the link.




Sunday, August 7, 2005

Family Domestics

What a week, I think this has been the week for Domestics. I don't' know why, but it seems people are fed up with each other, and they are ready to fight. In fact yesterday alone i went to five different domestics. That makes for a long night let me tell you. Not only does it take time to deal with the domestic itself, but you also have a ton of paperwork to do for each one.

     For those of you who don't know what a domestic is, it's a fight, between family members. Usually Husband and Wife. The first one we went to we arrested both the husband and the wife. The second we arrested the husband, and the others we did not make arrests. Many times a someone will call us to help stop the domestic from becoming physical. So many times we go to the house, and we don't make an arrest but we do what we can to get the two to separate for the night.

     Anyway, after last night, I have reconfirmed my previous thought. Stupid people should not be allowed to breed.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

not much to report this week.

Another day another Dollar, This week was fairly boring actually. We had a few DUI's and a couple or traffic accidents. One incident stands out this week though. I was called to go into the next county and assist on the Highway, because both State Police and all the officers in that county were busy on other things and couldn't make it.

     It was only about a mile into their county, anyway. This car was parked right in the middle of the highway, with no lights on. Luckily someone had stopped behind them and turned on their flashers. I walked up to the car and had to wake this guy up. He was actually drooling. When i yelled at him he suddenly jumped up and tried to start his car and drive off. I took his keys away from him and tried to smell any alcohol. I could smell a little bit but not much. I called for an ambulance to make sure this guy wasn't diabetic or something like that. He wasn't but it was not adding up. We ran him through the field tests, and he failed but not that bad. Anyway. It seems that the guy had a seizure, and passed out. He had driven thought eh median on the highway 5 times, tore the drivers side mirror off his car on something we still don't know what. Almost crashed into several cars and then he just simply stopped his car and went to sleep.

     Crazy stupid drunk drivers that's all i have to say.

Friday, July 22, 2005

St. Anthony Car show

     Went to a Car Show today. Saw some pretty amazing cars. We also got a chance to go ot a very nice shop. Saw a gt 500, and a Judge, Very cool Cars. The yellow Mustang there is supposed to be the only yellow GT 500. Anyway take a look at the cars very nice.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Day shifts Uhg!

     Yep, just as the title says, Day shifts are no fun. This week i worked Monday through Thursday, 6am to 6pm. Long days. It's seems twice as long when all the brass is in the office. It is also longer on a weekday shift, because you get a lot of monotonous complaints. The "my nieghbors dog peed on my lawn" complaints. It's a lot of busy work, and a lot of traffic stops. (I like the traffic stops)

     This week was pretty busy, nothing really exciting though. It was thos monotonous calls I already mentioned. So this weeks blog will be short and sweet.


Thursday, July 14, 2005


     Well this week was filled with runaway juvinile's. I sent many hours way on the west side of hte county. A hispanic family were missing there 17 year old daughter. They were convinced she had been kidnapped by a guy that liked her. I tried and tried to get some real evidence that there may have really been a kidnapping, but there just wasn't any. I finally found the girl, in another county. she admitted to me she had run away on her own accord.

Saturday, July 9, 2005




If anyone knows how i get this to be a permanant piece of my site, I would love to get a comment from you. Right now it's just a blog entry wich is nto really what i had in mind.


Friday, July 8, 2005

Kenneth gets Baptized

     Tomorrow my son will be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am very excited, and a little nervous, because i will be performing the baptism and the confirmation. I don't feel worthy, but i have been working very hard to make myself that way. I am mostly excited, because my son is such a good boy. He makes me proud every day, and I really hope he stays the way he is right now forever.


Congratulations Kenneth, and good luck in life. Remember to always pray.


     This week was very busy, I worked the 4th of July weekend. Lot of fireworks complaints, and  a lot of Drunk Drivers. The one thing that stands out in my mind is a crash. I think i will probably remember this one until I die. A Hispanic man was driving down the road, he had a blood alcohol content of 2.5, which is very high. He ran off the road hit a power pole, breaking it in half. Then his pickup tipped upside down and landed in a canal full of fast running water. The power pole landed on top of truck, causing hot wires to be in the water.

     When i arrived there was only one other person on the scene. I wanted to jump in the water so bad, to try and pull this guy out. I knew logically i would probably only end up hurting myself, but i really had to fight the urge to jump in. Eventually we got other emergency workers there. we got the power lines cut, and we used a tow truck to pull the pickup semi upright. The dive team had a very difficult time getting him out of the pickup, and after watching them i realized that there was no way i could have gotten the man out by myself. They got him out of the water, and immediately started doing CPR. The ambulance transported him to the hospital and he lived for about 12 hours, but did eventually pass away, due to internal injuries. I am very surprised he survived as long as he did , because he was under water for at least 20 minutes and when they pulled him out o the water he was not breathing and he did not have a pulse.

      I spent the entire time trying to calm down his family who showed up just after the emergency crews. They were very excited and upset. I was able to keep them calm and get them to help me by getting in touch with the rest of his family to let them know to go to the hospital.

     I guess this is just another story that shows that you should not drink and drive.. too bad this one didn't have a happy ending in some way.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Very Boring Week

WELL. I just realized that i start every blog with the word WELL. Usually after realizing something like this one would try not to do it again. Instead i have decided to make it obvious, in an attempt to embarrass myself enough to stop doing it all together.

So onto what this blog was going to be about in the first place. A very boring week at work. I worked the day shift this time around, and i can't believe how slow it was. I think everyone must be gone somewhere else on some vacation. I didn't go to any exciting calls. The most exciting thing i did this week was one traffic accident, where not one got hurt. (which is usually a good thing) I dealt with the namby pamby calls that i get a lot of weeks, such as my neighbors dog peed on my lawn type of calls, but nothing to special.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Alexi Marie Jensen

Leslie and Sara had thier baby, Alexi Marie Jensen. I was able to get some pictures of her. Leslie is a dotting father for sure. He is very proud to be the dad. Check out the pictures.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Well this week was interesting. I had one incident where a boyfriend and girlfriend were driving down the road, she was driving. Well she got mad at him and pushed him out of the car at about 25mph. He went tumbling and a lot of people saw it. So someone called us. Well the guy started running away, when he found out the cops were coming. He didn’t get very far. We caught up with the woman at one of her friends houses. We took them both to the jail. Turns out they were having a big fight, because she had taken his car and not returned in a week or so. Well she got mad at him and was taking him to her friend’s house so they could beat him up for her. He started fighting with her in the car, and the end result was he got tossed out of the car.   A whole bunch of idiots. I really think idiots should not be allowed to breed. .


     Well today, we went to my brothers Church, and blessed his baby. It's pretty cool, to be able to be a part of that. It's pretty nice to have such a large family that still gets together as well. Welcome to the family Zachary (probably spelled that wrong)

Sunday, June 5, 2005

Another Week

Well actually this week was very boring. I don't have any exciting stories to tell. I can't say I sat around eating Donuts all shift either but I just didn't do anything very exciting. Had a few traffic accidents, luckily no one got hurt.

I did kick some guy out of a house this week. He is just hitchhiking through. I guess he decided that he didn't want to sleep on the street anymore, so he just went into someone's home and went to sleep. He was rather weird, and he had money. Anyway, we sent him down the road. The home owner didn't want to do anything except get the guy out of their house.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

2nd work entry

     Well this week was rather interesting, mostly quiet. A few crashes, luckily no one was hurt. In two of the accidents there were Hispanic drivers that had no driver’s licenses. One interesting thing this week is we had a guy that his wife believed was possibly abusing her children, sexually. We were investigating him for that while she was filing for a divorce. Anyway the same day he got the divorce papers he intentionally drove his little car out in front of a semi truck and killed himself.  Pretty crazy.

I had one mother call into the office and tell me that her son had come home, and he was now sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. She then stated she knew that he had a warrant. After checking I found out that he really did. I then went to his house, knocked on the door and the mom let me in. The kid was very shocked to see me step into the kitchen and tell him to stand up, because he was under arrest. I don't think he was too happy with his mom.

Oh yea and one last thing. Almost a year ago, we had a double homicide. Well this week the court case was finally finshed. She was found guilty on both counts of 1st degree Murder.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

My life as a Sheriff's Deputy

Well lets see, I have decided to use this to make a small record of my life as a Policeman.

This week was actually pretty slow. I serverd a lot of Civil papers, and took some small complaints. One guy had some very expensive rifles stolen. the two of them together were about $2500 dollars. The most recent thing that happened is still fresh in my mind, because it happened today. A 34 year old girl died. She was sick, and had just had surgery. So we are thinking that she died due to complications of the surgery. It was a pretty bad scene. The EMT's did cpr on her for a long time. She had thrown up blood, and the smell was almost unbearable. Her mother was very upset when the EMT told her that there was nothing else they could do.

I spent nearly 3 hours at the house. Not a good time to say the least.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Almost Summer

Well It's been a while. It's almost summer and Kenneth and I can't wait. We are both wanting to get out and ride the 4 Wheelers. We have been out once so far, but the weather hasn't been very cooperative.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Bear Cubs

Well a couple of days ago, I was able to get a look at some bear cubs. The black one's are Black bears and the brown ones are Grizzly bears. There is a family here in our county that is takeing care of the bears for Bear World. It was pretty cool.  The skinnier guy is Mike Miller, and the other guy is John Kindred.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

it's been a while

Well it's been a while since i have updated this. My birthday was on the 10th and it was a very busy day. I worked all day so i had to deal with stupid people doing stupid things. Suicides, burglaries, thefts, car accidents, and many more things.. lol..actually it was pretty normal for me. Oh well.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Pics of Kenneth

Well it's been a while. I just added some photos of Kenneth. We made a little video for Mindy, and used these photo's in it. It was for Mindy's Birthday. I think it turned out ok. Well At least Mindy liked it.

Saturday, January 8, 2005

The Annoying Thing

Ok everyone needs to check out this little video, it's pretty funny.

I put two links here, incase one of them doesn't work. Start with the first one and then try the last. I think the last one is a bit dodgey so be careful what you look at on that site.